An Ingredient Story by Bunnie Gulick

From my early days as a nutritionist, I knew Tibetan goji berries were a wonderful rare find – excellent for both body and skin. They were a must for ISUN! Months of searching only led me to Chinese berries, but my intention to find the prized Tibetan berry was clear!
The Search for Goji Berries Wild Tibetan Goji Berries found in remote fertile valleys in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in Tibet and Mongolia are known for their exceptional wealth of dense nutrients and energetic value. Different and superior to the more common berry from China known as wolfberry, Tibetan goji berries are exceptionally rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, polysaccharides, amino acids and a wide range of other phyto-nutrients.
A visit to my daughter in the Pacific Northwest in 2006 took us to Orcas Island. One day, while walking around in a small town, oddly, I heard the deep guttural sounds of Tibetan chanting. The sound of sacred chanting drew me like a magnet to a small Tibetan healing center. Inside was a courtyard where a monk was reverently chanting prayers over piles of herbs and GOJI BERRIES!
My heart was racing with joy! I asked the attendant inside what this was about. She explained that the monk, who was also an herbal medicine doctor, was raising the vibration of the herbs before compounding the medicines.
It was perfect! – I still remember my excitement when I told her about ISUN and the deeper healing intention of our developing products and my search for Tibetan goji berries. Inspired by my story, she told me their berries were gathered by nomads and purchased by monks affiliated with the small center on Orcas Island.

After blessing the berries, they are sent to the Pacific Northwest where prayerful chanting once again raises their vibration. From there, the berries find their way to us - and with every shipment we receive, there is a piece of corrugated cardboard with a handwritten Tibetan blessing ... May all Beings be Happy ... May all Beings be Free.
May 19, 2020 — Bunnie Gulick